Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Touristy Stuff

We went to the Art Museum today (officially called The Kasteev State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan). It was very nice. The price to get in is very cheap 80t per person. On the first floor they have a couple of shops to buy things, of course we weren't sure of the prices as nothing was marked. For some reason An stayed in the car, she said we didn't need her in there it was just pictures on the wall so she got us in the door and then went back out.

There is a carpet shop in there. An asked if we were planning on buying any carpets to take home (apparently big with some people to do this) because this guy was pretty good. I don't think we need any carpets, although they are beautiful. We did buy some post cards and a nice book of the museum pictures. We did the point at the item and I am getting good at saying skoylka etta schtoyt (phonetically spelled how it is pronounced) which means How much does this cost. Or you can just say skoylka (how much) and they will get the picture. Most people know you are a foreigner and get the calculator out to show you or write down how much it will be in tenge. This has worked for us so We were allowed to take pictures in the museum, just not of the 17th and 18th century exhibits. Did I mention I am not a history buff? I am not even sure what years the 17th and 18th century encompass. We did take some pictures, I tried to stick with anything after 1900, I figured I would be safe with that (hopefully). Although one picture I got of the Icons, I was told it was ok to take a picture of. If you are unsure there are ladies in every room (who follow you at a distance, kinda creepy) you can point at your camera and at the picture and they will say da or nyet.

The weather wasn't bad today, still cold but at least no rain or snow. We are counting down the days to be home. Thank you everyone for all of the congrats on here and in emails I received we really appreciate them. We miss everyone back home. Talk to you later.

Pics for the day.....(ok will try again later, not working right now)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the three of you! I've been keeping up with your journey and I know you must be thrilled. We are IMpatiently waiting to go back to Almaty to adopt our second child from there. Enjoy the rest of your stay! Best, Nancy Young

10:40 AM  

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