Day 10 & 11
Everything here is great. We are enjoying every minute with William. We are also enjoying our time around Almaty.
William is getting more active and smiley every day. We miss everyone back home and can't wait for court on Monday the 14th, because that will mean we are that much closer to being there. Although we are going to miss Almaty when we leave also. David said he could see us living here if I got a job (hmm does this mean he thinks I am going to work while he plays Mr. Mom? But we truly do love it here it is so beautiful and everyone is very nice.
The Disco across the street is hoping lately. Oh, and for those of you worried about what to wear not to stick out, don't. We have seen everything here from jeans to skirts so short you wonder if there is really material there. The women love high heeled boots. And I don't mean just high heels, I mean 4 to 5" spiked stilettos. You could kill someone with some of these spiked heels. Of course, I would break an ankle if I tried to walk all over town in those things.
Our pics of the day...

Thank you so much. Your blog was great. We wish you all the best on your new journey.
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