Days 12 & 13
The weather has been really nice during the day and freezing at night. The other couple we are with is loving this weather, of course they are from Minnisota, they are used to this. For us Southern people, it's for the birds! Except David, he is loving it and is walking around in his shirt sleeves much to the shagrin of the babushkas here. They are always admonishing him (in Russian, so who knows what they are saying lol) probably saying crazy American is going to die of the cold.
I see San Antonio is having beautiful weather! I just want you to know you guys suck, ok! We went to the Tsoom store again on Monday and bought a bunch more stuff (ok not a bunch, but enough). On our way there guess what we saw! A NASCAR sign. Not sure if it was a store or what but it was great. Darren (husband of the "other couple") is a NASCAR fan also. So we want to find it again and take a picture of it. We also went to the chocolate factory....supposedly very good chocolate, best of Almaty, according to An. Those of you that know me, know I am a chocoholic, I know good chocolate! This is ok chocolate, it is very fresh I will give it that. But think more of very rich cocoa tasting chocolate molded into bars. It's not Cadbury's or Hershey's but it will do. I thought I was going to have to send an SOS to Chris to send more smarties, but this might hold me over till we leave.
Pics for the day....

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