Day 18 - Rainy and Cold Day 2
Ok, we are SERIOUSLY missing San Antonio weather! Again, I just want you to know that you guys suck.
We hung out at home today because it is just nasty out. We did venture out for lunch though, to Mad Murphy's. Good food (not as good as Dublin Pub). When we got there they had no electric lol. This figures, our second time venturing to a restaurant and we may not get to eat. We did meet another couple there who are also adopting. This was great fun. They are a very nice couple. The electric finally came on about 20 minutes after we got there, so not bad. The menu is in english and russian. This is apparently the big hang out for adoptive families. They even have a corner of toys and a little tent of balls for kids to jump in.
Our only pic from there and it is not the greatest, I was shivering!

keep your hands out of your pockets and stand up straight
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