Saturday, December 10, 2005

We are home!

We made it! After two very long flights and an overnight in Chicago, we arrived in San Antonio Thursday afternoon. Our flight from Almaty to London was eventful. There were three other families with their little ones and all of the little ones were sick. We took turns running to the bathroom with them. The flight from London to Chicago was great! William slept through most of that flight. He is a great flyer, he would laugh when we took off and landed. Everyone commented on how great he was through all of the flights. He was not fussy at all. We went through customs in Chicago, handed them our top secret envelope and they pronounced William the newest American Citizen. It was great.

We are so happy to be back. We were met at the airport by Grandma and Grandpa, Leah, Lauren and Brandon.

Lauren and Brandon had made signs welcoming William home. They were great. We only had a slight melt down when everyone converged on him at once. Then he got used to them and he was fine.

We are still catching up on the different time zones and sleep patterns. William is getting used to being up more during the day and I think getting his body readjusted.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WELCOME HOME GABRIELLE!!! Welcome home to hubby & baby too! So glad you are home & safe!

6:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gabe & David,
I am so happy you are home safely and away from Almanty. It must feel great to know William is 100% your's and NOBODY can take him away from you. I did a happy dance when I read the finallity of your adoption. Great news and enjoy your son now and forever. He is a handsome little boy.GOD bless you all!
Love you,

8:58 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

Welcome home to the newest "Kazakh Texan"!! I enjoyed following your journey.

Laura and Katie (another "Kazakh Texan")
paperchasing for dd#2 in Kaz

12:12 PM  
Blogger The Bradys said...

Hi Gabrielle, How exciting to see you home and safe! I followed your blog from the yahoo groups and feel like I know you! We have our dossier in and are just waiting for our LOI. Your blog really helped us know what to expect. I hope you post a little more now that you're home to let us know what that's like!

10:47 PM  
Blogger David and Gabrielle said...

Thank you everyone. We will still post updates for family and friends out of town.

3:36 PM  

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