No news is good news, Right?
I spent the morning checking my email waiting for the notice that the precious FedEx package had arrived safely at its destination. Finally, at 9:35am the email came through, the package was received at the FBI in W.V. One step down.
I called David and let him know it had arrived, so he could call the woman he spoke to yesterday (since she seemed to like him I thought it would be best for him to call). He told her the package was there and she told him she would go right away and get it and start it through the process. David ask her to call him if there was anything wrong with the prints or if she thought there might be a problem getting them through. No Phone Call!! He called a couple of more times only to get voice mail. Did I mention she said she was off on Monday? Ok I am back to spasing out. But yesterday, David said she did ask someone else in the office to be on the look out for our paperwork if it did get completed on Monday and get it out to us. So, do we assume that no news is good news?
On a good note, we did receive our passports back today with our visas in them. Very pretty I might add. So I am taking this as a sign that we ARE going to have the precious finger prints back in time to get them apostilled and on the plane on Thursday! (wishful, prayerful thought on my part)
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